Top 10 Cerebral Movies That Wipe Our Minds


Cerebral Movies: A non-expected ending is something that every moviegoer expects from the flick. There are lots of movies who tried to create an unexpected ending but failed to do so, and sometimes those ending resulted as the worst part of the movie. Some movies are in the hall of fame just because the director and screen writer crafted the ending in such a way that the climax tricked the viewer’s mind. (Contains spoilers)

Below is a list of top 10 cerebral movies. Challenge yourself with the brainiest, most cerebral movies of all time.

1) Fight Club

Tyler Durden !!!! Uno dei personaggi più famosi della storia del cinema. Fight Club è il film che tratta di un concetto che accade a ogni persona. Attraversando la vita quotidiana di una persona della classe media e come ha distrutto la sua ambizione, quindi cerca di diventare qualcosa di completamente nuovo. Se hai una trama fantastica, grandi attori come Edward Norton e Brad Pitt e dai tutto questo nelle mani di David Fincher. Conosci già la qualità del prodotto che riceverai. Prestare attenzione a piccoli dettagli nel film è stato un punto in cui il regista ha dimostrato che stava manipolando il pubblico sin dall’inizio. Inizialmente, quando il film è stato rilasciato non è stato un successo, ma in seguito le persone hanno notato i dettagli minori e il film ha funzionato bene con i DVD e altre vendite.

Fight Club is one of the best movies ever and it is also my personal favorite. Also, its one of the must watched films ever produced.

2) Predestination

Playing around the concept of time-travel is never easy. Time travel paradoxes help to create mind bending concepts but on the other end, it is very necessary to hold and direct those concepts without going away from reality. The writers of the movie very nicely adapted the novel and converted it into a screenplay which was contented with pure brain chilling twists. The movie is not only having unexpected endings at the end but also keeps revealing great suspense throughout the movie. The casting was one of the main reasons for achieving great results. This movie showed some potential in the Australian Film Industry and gave recognition to Sarah Snook.

Predestination rips your brain, in the end, something which was never expected out of this movie from any point of view.

3) Shutter Island

The master piece by Martin Scorcese and inimitable acting by Leonardo Dicaprio proved the movie its worth. The movie keeps giving you chills and real feels of a mental asylum. A pivotal role by Mark Ruffalo allowed the director to characterize the lead role in a more fashionable way. A gradual approach of showing Ben Kingsley as an antagonist made the audience feel for the Dicaprio. Never expected that a test run of the patient is going on screen and expecting what the director forced us to expect. The director manipulated the viewers too cleverly that the ending perplexed the brain of everyone. The clever decision of choosing the right weather and environment for the movie bonded the audience with the movie till the climax.

Shutter Island is a bone chilling movie at its best and a posh direction by the director.

4) Donnie Darko

The debutant director proved his worth in the world of cinema by this flick. If you want a SCI-FI movie that keeps you intrigued also in a state of confusion and still keep you attached to the movie and you start anticipating something a beyond nonlinear Donnie Darko is the movie for you. This is a slow paced movie with many well-directed characters which keep you fascinated throughout the movie. Some people didn’t like the movie as they the movie didn’t convey the script properly. This may be because of less production budget but still, if you are true movie fan you will understand the depth of the script as well as the work done in the field of direction.

5) The Others

A horror movie with a plot twist is not something that we witness every day. The Others is well written and directed that it never allows the audience to anticipate any kind of twist. Depicting the servants as an antagonist was the best piece of art. It leads the audience to believe that something fishy is going on. The servants aren’t something that they expected and a sudden unexpected entry of the husband adds a lot of questions to the plot. Class acting by Nicole Kidman was truly mesmerizing. Directing the relationship between mother and children and the care of the mother to protect her children from any threat was the emotional stroke of the movie.

The love of a single mother is purely depicted in the movie. The Others is considered as one of the best horror, thriller and suspense movie.

6) Memento

Questo è il film che ha dato a Christopher Nolan un riconoscimento come uno dei registi più intellettuali. Memento ha portato un nuovo concetto puro per rappresentare le malattie del cervello nei film. La pura direzione non lineare del film ha anche mostrato alcune nuove tecniche di raffigurazione e trasmissione della storia. Il casting è stato eseguito alla perfezione, i dialoghi uscivano non solo dai personaggi ma anche dai personaggi. Guy ha interpretato un personaggio perfetto e gli ha reso giustizia. La trama non lineare del film mantiene il pubblico incuriosito e li tiene con il fiato sospeso su qualcosa che non si aspettavano. Il finale era una specie di monologo che ha permesso al pubblico di capire il personaggio e la sua vita.

Memento is still considered as one of the best movies by Nolan’s. No offense to Batman fans.

7) Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind

Believe me when I say this movie is a SCI-FI love story. Blending the result of SCI-FI with a stroke of love story allows this movie to stand out from the ordinary crowd. Creating issues with the Mark Ruffalo’s personal life with Kirsten Dunst shows the consequences of the choices that you make. The movie depicts that every experiment doesn’t only have a negative side effect but that effect is ever lasting and permanent. Science plays an important role in the script, and it conveys the story in a more satisfying manner. The whole direction is never slipped off the track.

The climax which shows a never ending loop which allows the audience to relive the whole movie again in just a few seconds. It’s one the best SCI-FI ever made.

8) Moon

Directing a movie with few characters at an isolated is never easy. The director has to bind the viewer’s attention throughout the movie. Slow pace movies aren’t much anticipated by the audience. But Moon keeps you moving with the script. The portrayal of the characters is one of the pivotal features in a movie, and Moon has shown the best portrayal of the characters. Relationship and `attachment between the two look alike is being directed nicely and owes to reality. Imaginative, Intriguing, and ambitious, Moon gives plenty of proof that Jones is having some serious talent, approaching his concepts into intellectually and morally challenging subject.

Questo film ha anche un’accurata quantità di tocco emotivo necessario per mantenere la sceneggiatura in contatto con il terreno della realtà. Moon è un film di SCI-FI seriamente sottovalutato.

9) Il prestigio

Un altro film di Nolan che ha dato un finale inaspettato e soddisfacente alla storia di due grandi illusionisti. Il film ci racconta la storia di due maghi che hanno modi diversi per realizzare la loro ambizione. L’era in cui è ambientato il film crea un’atmosfera diversa per il pubblico. L’aggiunta di alcune delle teorie su Tesla collega realtà e immaginazione a un livello superiore. Dare il minor tempo possibile sullo schermo all’ingegnere di Angier ha giocato il trucco per il regista. Nessuno si aspettava uno scambio di personaggi. Dare lo stesso tocco alla vita personale e coniugale dei personaggi ha assicurato l’atmosfera emotiva e affettuosa del film.

Tuttavia, Prestige è talvolta considerato uno dei film più sottovalutati. Ma un puro fan dei film conosce il valore di qualsiasi film e comprende il duro lavoro del regista e del suo team.

10) Inception

Molte persone hanno già iniziato a odiarmi vedendo un film come questo classificato al 10. Ma sto parlando di un film che ha un finale inaspettato o una suspense. Inception ha lasciato gli spettatori in uno stato perplesso. Inception è uno di quei film che è troppo finemente realizzato e modificato che ogni momento del film ti porta a un diverso livello di pensiero. Il concetto del film è così intrigante. Dopo aver visto il film puoi dire che la sceneggiatura ha reso pura giustizia con il concetto del film.

Even today people are discussing its ending and this movie is gonna be marked and nailed as a masterpiece in the world of cinema. They say hard work pays off, true they say.

List Created By: Aditya Pandey

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